
NameAmazon linkTagsThoughts
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The book that changed my life and my entire perspective on how the financial world operates and how you can intelligently participate in markets. This is a book I recommend to anyone and everyone I've ever met. It's probably due a re-read.

Zero to One by Peter Thiel

This book pissed me off the first time I read it. Because it went against everything I thought about startups/business. But, I come around to agreeing with Thiel on his philosphy for startups. The most important term for me being "Definite Optimism".

Origin of Wealth by Eric. D Beinhocker

This is a pretty difficult read, especially the beginning. But once you get into the flow of it, I think this book a seminal work around understanding how wealth get created in the world. If you want to understand the growth of markets/wealth this is the most important book you could read.